Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Just Like Europe

Ah, Europe...I love Europe and love the simplicity of Europeans' lives! During my trip to Europe, I saw so many gorgeous sights and just fell in love with the people. I loved watching people bike everywhere, get ice cream from a little stand, and take long walks in the gorgeous parks. Okay, so why am I talking about Europe? Well, for the last two days, I felt like I was back in Europe....even though I was actually in Cherokee, IA. :) Here's the story:

On Sunday night, Aaron and I were talking about our weeks...keeping each other informed on when my parent/teacher conferences were, work schedules, and when Aaron would be gone to a youth pastor's retreat at Hidden Acres. Background knowledge*We have two cars on insurance right now...a Crown Victoria and our new little Miata convertible. Only Aaron can drive the Miata because it is a stick shift and I don't know how to drive a stick shift* While we were talking, we both realized that Aaron needed the bigger Crown Victoria for his trip to Hidden Acres that was yesterday and today, leaving me with the Miata....I've driven a stick ONCE and was awful...killing it every few minutes! So, we concocted a plan: Erika would ride her bike to and from work while Aaron was gone on his retreat. Ha! Not a bad plan but I certainly felt like a European...except I couldn't exactly remember all the hand signals and couldn't remember which side to ride on (I'm so used to the country!) that I just found the nearest parking lots and avoided as many cars as I could and ignored the many stares and probably laughs from people :)....not quite as quaint and fun as in Europe...but still very fun. I might even make a habit of it.....maybe :)

A little cafe in Liepzig, Germany~May 2006


Coley Bloomquist said...

*sigh* what a wonderful trip that was!

Michelle said...

I wish I could ride a bike to work! I miss doing fun and active things like that. :)